Opinions on the mix?

guitars sound pretty nice.

everything else... i don't really know where to start. :/
well definitely not as bad as i've heard before, but it would take me awhile to go through each and every thing i would suggest. shedding some light on how you recorded everything would help.
That solo near the end sounds a lot like Vai. Good song, if one of my mixes sounded this good i'd be happy with it so not sure where to offer improvement
@jfurr: ok :)
Guitars: 2 sm57 on/off axis (5150 and a mesa boogie cabinett), the solo is amplitube metal with "alasneap_dc" impulse
Bass: line, sans amp and through a 5150
screams/song: through a röde NTK
drums: bd, sn, toms are trigged pretty much all the way.. china, ride are micked on the backside and overhead is micked in A/B stereo.. fun to know is that its the same drummer that behindert used on his latest recordings of shove and gluckenschlaben :)
anything else you want to know? :)

@lionwing: thank you so much :D glad to hear it ^__^