

Feb 4, 2002
Blue Mountains,Australia
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Who else loves it when doctors prescribe medication for when your extremely sick that makes you go of with the fairies????

I got prescribed tablets that have a high penicilan amount and pain killers that are like taking four panadine forte! they knock you for six and over the clouds at the same definately wouldn't even wanna have a sip of alcohol on this shit!
Smashed said:
I was prescribed Zoloft to help cure my insomnia.

Gave me a constant boner for four weeks - best fucking month of my life :Smokin:
Yeah, a quack once prescribed anti-depressants (not Zoloft, can't remember what they were) to me because I had insomnia - apparently insomnia is a classic symptom of depression.........I hated the fucking things, made me feel verrrrry weird.
Got off 'em real fast.

Smashed, did they help your insomnia, or did they just keep you up rooting all night?? :lol:
Goreripper said:
I got some drugs once when I had food poisoning and couldn't drink booze for a week. It was terrible.
I had a rhematic virus a few months ago now, The doc said I had to stop drinking for a month.

I lapsed at 3 weeks cos I was so fuckin bored, being sober sucks.
JonBonJovi said:
Who else loves it when doctors prescribe medication for when your extremely sick that makes you go of with the fairies????

When i want to go off with the fairies i just prescribe myself my own medication!! That way you don't have the sicknes bring you down
JonBonJovi said:
Who else loves it when doctors prescribe medication for when your extremely sick that makes you go of with the fairies????

I got prescribed tablets that have a high penicilan amount and pain killers that are like taking four panadine forte! they knock you for six and over the clouds at the same definately wouldn't even wanna have a sip of alcohol on this shit!
I thought that was bad... now she's on drugs for something else and she's not allowed to have sex! :erk: