Medieval style metal


Nov 26, 2001
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hey i know it has nothing to do with CoB or Death Metal, but for u who likes blind guardina, rhapsody... this kinda stuff check out this song composed to the movie lord of the rings, it totally reminds me of those orchestra metal bands, its pretty cool

Lord of the Rings soundtrack II Concerning Hobbits (Howard Shore)

it kinda makes me cry :cry: chuif hehe
hey guys i cant find Haggard anywhere u guys know any links ? this otyg is really good stuff man, though i cant understand any finnish, but it sounds awesome. ill check out for some lyrics translations on the web.

Power Metal fucking kicks ass! I love bands like Blind Guardian, Iced Earth, Nightwish, Dungeon, Stratovarious just to name a small group. If you want to hear a great Medievil ballad, listen to Blind Guardians "A Past and Future Secret". That song is a masterpiece.
Originally posted by OceanbarD
you should try some haggard or otyg if you want some medieval
folk metal.

True! :eek:))

If you people can't find any songs of these bands try,
you can find almost anything there! :eek:) Just like astarte said :eek:)

And one more thing to astarte; female vocals in Haggard?
They are not the thing that catch your ear,
it's more the music right? The music is so unique that
everything else sort of fades... I didn't like the male vocals in
Haggard when I first started listening to them,
but now I'm totally in love! :eek:)

ThiagoCoB; Otyg are Swedish. Vintersorg are on vocals :eek:)
Originally posted by Blackspirit
And one more thing to astarte; female vocals in Haggard?
They are not the thing that catch your ear, it's more the music right? The music is so unique that everything else sort of fades... I didn't like the male vocals in Haggard when I first started listening to them, but now I'm totally in love! :eek:)

yes! i liked it as a whole.. when i first heard it, i focused on the music instead of the vocals... i'd love to see those 18 (?!) musicians playing live :cry:
Originally posted by astarte
i'd love to see those 18 (?!) musicians playing live :cry:

Same here.... they need a pretty big stage,
and great sound! Don't you think it's funny
though, the way they look.
They look quite old, and still they make this
kind of music....
Age doesn't really matter and all, but some
of them just look like old men that have sailed
around the world etc >:eek:P

And how the hell do they rehearse?!
When do all those 18 people find the time that
fits them all and get together?! >:eek:P
Originally posted by Blackspirit

Same here.... they need a pretty big stage, and great sound! Don't you think it's funny though, the way they look.
They look quite old, and still they make this kind of music....
Age doesn't really matter and all, but some of them just look like old men that have sailed around the world etc >:eek:P
:lol: right, some of them look like hippies or beggars...

And how the hell do they rehearse?!
When do all those 18 people find the time that fits them all and get together?! >:eek:P [/B]
i was thinking the same thing! unless they are completely devoted to the band it could be nearly impossible to gather all those people at the same time... probably somebody already asked them so i'll have to find an interview ;)