MEGA DAVE's recent kick samples: sliced and modified


Jun 16, 2008
Uppsala, Sweden
MEGA DAVE shared kick drum samples here if you remember:

So I sliced them up and faded the hits out a bit to get rid of some noise... there was a pretty high noise floor on the samples. I then did a little experiment and split the signal in 2 with ReaXcomp. One track containing the lows and the other track containing the rest of the frequencies. I null-tested the recombined signal against the original and voila, perfect null. ReaXcomp rocks for splitting up a signal into several bands!

Anyway, I slapped Dominion on the track with the lows and pulled down the sustain and increased the attack slightly to get an increased "thump" in the hit, and the shorter sustain contributes to a little bit tighter kick drum since there was a long tail to the sound. And then I noticed the high noise floor so I gated the track containing the higher frequencies... and the end result was pretty much the same as just gating the kick alltogether without splitting it in bands haha. Anyway, it's quite cool to set something up so you have the freedom to control the different frequencies' attack and sustain and so on. Man my brain is melting... even I don't understand what the hell I'm writing at the moment.

Anyway, here are the samples! A rar-file containing MEGA DAVE's original kick sliced up and ready to be used, and a folder called "Erkans mod" which contains the modified version of the samples. As I said, the only thing modified is the length of the kick so my version is a bit "tighter" if you will, but apart from that nothing has changed, no EQ etc. My version was just an experiment really, and I thought it'd be cool to throw that in there too. DAVE Kick.rar
nice! can't wait to get home and try it out!

Uhh well, I hope they work! My "version" of your samples was really just a little experiment so I'm not hoping for it to magically sound awesome but if it does, let me know.

Atleast there is one solid contribution in this thread and that is the samples sliced up and ready to be used :)

Edit: By the way, are you sure these samples are unprocessed? There is a pretty high noise floor, almost as if they had been boosted by an EQ or something and judging by the amount of high end in the samples... well I'm just used to my crappy kick mic which doesn't give any high end at all haha =)
thanks erk! and dave. only sample i have found on this forum in a while that i may consider using haha.

erkan: your cymbal samples are the shizz too! I use them for preprod quite a bit.

That's awesome dude! I'm really glad someone is using them =) Too bad I didn't set up a couple of OH mics when I sampled them though, to get stereo samples that are pre-panned and stuff. I was still a newbie when I sampled those, it was during the summer of 2008 when I also recorded my first solo project... and when I thought the Waves C4 was an EQ. Haha oh god... but it's great to look back and realize how much you've grown in just 1,5 years. Thanks to who? YOU GUYS! :headbang:

Next time I sample stuff, I'm gonna set up OH mics and spot mics and carefully sample the stuff! =)