Megadeth and south africa.

daniel stuart

New Metal Member
Jan 2, 2010
Hey chris would you and megadeth ever consider coming to south africa to play. This country never gets any international bands. And it is just to expensive for most south africans to go and see you guys live at another country.
P.s Please people don't post if you think I am silly.
No dude they are not. And they not in megadeaths league. I hope chris can comment on this. And the Botswana they are not south african.
Thornfest/Seasons wither has international bands nearly every year...if not every year.
Carcass was in SA a couple years ago. It was such a disaster that Michael Amott said it was a dissapointment going there...
Devil Driver was in SA in 2009.
Under Oath - Although they not metal, but international and listenable - was in SA.

Couple of guys are trying geting Becoming The Archetype to SA. Would be awesome.

Try checking thornrose productions out. As far as I know they were the ones who organised Devil Driver's 'tour'.
Thank you far the reply but devil driver never came they cancelled. I would love to see bands like maiden and megadeth and slayer before they retire.
They have coke fest here and metallica came but I never went.
Devil Driver had a CT and DBN show...
Coke Fest is not a metal fest and it is hardly worth mentioning.
Maiden will never retire. They will make Metal forever!!!!!!!:kickass:
But really dont think it would be worth it for them to do a show in SA. May be quicker if you tried saving money and going to some fest in Europe or somewhere were they are going to play.
You would be surprised How fast the tickets gets sold here when a big band does play. Iron maiden should do a show here I mean they played in India. The music scene in sa is growing I must admit.
No doubt it is growing. have you heard Bile Of Man, Warthane, Architecture Of Aggression, Ancient Influence, Agro, Facing The Gallows, Bringing A Shark To A Gunfight?
AOA is having a CD launch soon. Think Bile Of Man as well, or they have released theirs already. BASTAGF are busy recording an EP.