Megadeth - Live in SD dvd clip posted

Huh.. Megadeth on 7-string? I know that Chris is a low tuning Nevermore-muthafakka but couldnt he just grab a standard 6 string axe for that show? Or am I missing something? :)

Anyway, sounds damn well Andy! Were the drums replaced and guitars reamped?
I'd say even the vocals were overdubbed... :D Towards the end it's kinda like Dave drifts away from the mic but the level of the vocals remains the same?

I dunno... Sounds great though!! Maybe the drums even sound too "in your face" for a live Megadeth gig!
I actually had about a day and a half to do the stereo mix on this and an afternoon for the 5.1, and I'm talking about the whole gig not just this clip, due to the TV companies deadline. Luckily we'd prepped all the drum tracks in the uk.
"Undie" Sneap, eh?

You sit around in nothing but your boxers when you are mixing, too, Andy?? I thought I was the only one!

EDIT: I am a HUGE Marty Friedman fan, but Broderick's tone is the best of all lead guitarists Megadeth ever had. He makes those old Chris Poland leads sound really good, imnsho!
Chris uses a 7 string because:
1) He's used to that neck
2) Not all 7 string guitar guys use that low b to play rhythms, they use it even for lead stuff,

I think Vai asked Ibanez to make him a 7 string guitars to extend the possibility to play leads in a vertical manner, to cover more 8va's ;)
the low b gets hit once during the set, and thats not in any of their songs.

Hahaha, that's pretty impressive restraint - I know when I'm sawing away at the ol' axe live, I could never intentionally skip the bottom string the entire time! But I suppose that's why he's in Megadeth (and I'm not) :loco:
Hmm, now that I'm watching, I gotta be honest, the guitars sound like a solid-state practice amp to me (very "fuzzy") - too bad you couldn't reamp this, Andy! :erk:
Sure it sounds great, but it's a bit "overproduced" for me, the dubbed vocals along with the "perfect" drum sound, kinda kills it for me, never been a fan of live records though...
I'll remember to make the drums less perfect next time, I'll tell them to fuck up a bit more too.

Aw that's Andy...always pulling for us. Making entire franchises bow to our every whim. It's good to be alive.

But in all seriousness (?), a vid with stereo would prove a better judgement. But from what I could tell with a mix, you did a killer job as usual.
Andy Sneap said:
I'll remember to make the drums less perfect next time, I'll tell them to fuck up a bit more too.
well Andy I guess people always complain because you lower the hall/crowd mics in the mix, well that's what I think, so basically the sound is just the mics placed on drums and cabs (unless you reamp).
This morning I watched the nevermore Dvd and yes the crowd's mics were much louder on some refrains, you can hear the snare sounding different due to the hall mics being louder, while during the songs they were softer.
Maybe these guys want you to raise those mics lol ;)
I don't give a shit you know, I love your stuff, the day I won't like something I won't buy it plain and simple.
try mixing live stuff, you have to pull the hall mics down in the songs unless you want a wash of cymbals and mush, especially in arenas. Usually the crowd mics are pretty rotten acoustically so theres nothing you can do.
I just watched this on HDnet last night, caught it randomly. They were awesome. The mix was awesome. I was really happy about the entire thing.

It definitely seemed like there were some vocal bits that Dave might have been off on but turned out fine in the mix, but I really can't be concerned with that. It was a blast to watch and that's all that matters.