Megadeth - Rude Awakening?


Master Exploder
So whats it like? I have wanted it since before it came out, but didn't have enough cash around when it was released and sort of forgot about it since. Whats it like? I know alot of people say 'Deth aren't very good live, but I really like all the live material of theirs I have heard (mainly 'Live Trax' and bonus tracks on the Japanese versions of Youthanasia and Countdown), so will I like RA??

Also, which is better, CD or DVD, or are they both worth getting? About how much do they got for at JB, coz I saw this DVD on ebay but didn't know if it was a good price or not. :confused:

Get the DVD, its awesome.

I have both the DVD and CD and Ive only ever played the CD once I think...but have watched the DVD over and over.

Being shot digitally theres quite a bit of aliasing and stuff in some parts, but unless your a fine film critic and not a metal fan you wont give a shit about it!

The footage was taken from 2 nights and edited together with the audio from both nights too I think. I guess they took the best of both for the DVD.

Your still reading? Get the fuck down to JB! Probably get it for around 30 bucks. :headbang:
Its pretty awful. And by pretty awful I mean terribly bad. But its up to you whether to buy it or not :)
that's a pretty good price, if you get it for that...

I like it, I think its a pretty cool concert thing... but after watching Metallica's live shit and stuff like that, they do kind of seem a bit boring live. Awesome musicians... but basically they just stand up there and play.

Dave Ellefson is the biggest try-hard headbanger I've ever seen though!

All in all, I'm glad I bought it.
I saw Megadeth then too, and they were fantastic, but that doesnt make the dvd any better. Ive got bootlegs that are WAY better than Rude Awakening, the tracklisting on the back isnt even right!
I heard the DVD was good and the CD was shit. I assume this information is wrong spawn?
Well then save me some money and send me some boots Spawny! You put your foot in it now! :lol:

Basically what my question was though, was that I really dig the live Megadeth that I have heard, so I might enjoy RA more than most people who think they are boring live.

I didn't get to catch them on the last tour, as I was about 2 months short of 18. God I was pissed, especially since they split shortly after. They had better reform so I get a chance to see em!
I missed Priest too for the same reason, but hopefully they will tour with Halford next year to make up for it. :)
I don't know who said Megadeth suck live but they are wrong. Megadeth was the tightest, best sounding concert I've ever been to. And the DVD sounds great too... the only problem is Dave's vocals on a few of the songs. Otherwise its great.
Things wrong with the dvd:

* Dave sings. (Train Of Consequences? Make him STOP!)

* The video footage is grainy, sometimes VERY grainy.

* The sound is nothing special. Especially for a dvd.

* The bonus interviews SUCK and the bonus songs from a different concert are in black and white. Grainy black and white.

* The Moto Psycho film clip is woeful. It does have some hot women though, so its not all bad.

Blitzy, you would probably enjoy it because you are a die hard Deth fan, just the same as id enjoy a similair quality Dimmu or Iced Earth dvd, but dont pay too much for it if you can avoid it.

Troops: You musnt listen to many dvds if the Deth one sounds great to you, im mystified at that :confused:

I have a lot of Deth bootlegs, they are awful live, I dont know if they were trying to impress Coops or what, but they rocked here in Australia (I thought maybe it was just being there that made it different, but nobody ive talked to who went has said anything bad, so I guess they WERE truly great!) The best one I have is some festival in Italy 1992 on VCD, and its a great show, but all the rest ive seen were quite boring to put it mildly.
From the live stuff I have heard, particularly the 'Live Trax' EP and the bonus tracks on the Japanese versions of Youthanasia and Countdown, they sound great!

These songs are:

Holy Wars
Symphony of Destruction
Sweating Bullets
Reckoning Day
Peace Sells
Angry Again
Use The Man
Tornado Of Souls
A Tout Le Monde
..and more!

These all sound really good, so I want to hear a full 'Deth live album or good boot or something. A good boot from the SFSGSW tour would rock my world.

Gore: You won't be the only person shitting their pants if Priest tour with Rob. :eek:
The one I have from the SFSGSW tour is on video and just a guy on a balcony with a camera, its not that great, the quality is such that only a really hardcore Deth fan would enjoy it...
Dave and Dave being totally of their nuts on drugs probably doesnt help the quality of the shows either :)