Megadeth - United Abominations


Cutthroat Crusader
Sep 1, 2004

There is a sample track from this new album on and I think its set for release "This Spring." :headbang:
Ok so I'm supposed to be doing exam revision. But I JUST got United Abominations and decided to keep the studying at bay by writing up a review :)

I know most of the time these "self opinionated" things aren't worth the time and effort but I thought I'd whack this on here for all to read/make fun of/flame etc :D Enjoy!


Megadeth are one of those bands. The type of trail blazing, legendary, influential bands that set milestones in a genres history, and sometimes it's creation. The bands start off in the golden days and as they progress the 'early days' are always fondly remember as the best. A time when their music was at it's peak of excellence. The trademarked classic sound of the band. Then the band starts heading out in different directions, members come and go, record labels come and go, there are hiatuses, creative differences and albums that threaten to ruin the band's good name for the elitists. It's happened to the Big Four, Maiden, Priest and countless more. But...has it happened with United Abominations?

When listening to this album I decided that (because of the company I keep and websites I'm involved in) I would make a few notes whilst I listened so I can actually back up any claims I make rather than spray a shower of groundless fanboi crap or pointless flaming.


I won't go through each track but I'll mention in brief some of the must-listen-to songs. Listening to "Sleepwalker" was a relief. I'm thankful the band had the sense to kick-off with such a belter. The tracks sounds heavier than I was expecting despite it's melodious beginning, sounding like Nevermore in parts especially the grinding, downtuned, speed riff (see 3:20).

"Washington is Next!" for me is a song I really want to like. I want to go with the flow of the track but it just seems to leave me missing something. Perhaps it's the predictability of the content. But we'll discuss that a little later.

Another highlight has to be "Gears of War" a track I know Patrick is going to be in turmoil over ;) Truth is wherever you're priororities lie this is a great track. The simplicity of the main riff and droning vocals blend skillfully between fast thrashy bits and thank god the solo doesn't take up the majority of the tune! It works so well because it's a well balanced composition - good job lads :) Don't miss "Amerikhastan" either. It rawks.

Another controversial highlight is the remake of "A Tout Le Monde (Set Me Free)" with Christina Scabbia from Cult of Luna. I honestly think the song is better but it has MTV/radio airtime written all over it. I think it seems more like one of the "expected slow songs" from power metal albums instead of from a heavy metal/thrash band.


Before even pressing 'Play' I was expecting certain things from this album. Knowing it was being produced by Roadrunner and having experience of the Roadrunner treatment, I expected some of the Roadrunner tendancy to dilute a bands well-founded sound and gloss it in a "Kerrang friendly-mainstream" sort of affair with heavy dependance on muted radio effects (see title track) and an ever present chorus effect. (Don't know what I'm on about? Listen to some RR signed artists!)

I also knew Megadeth would be expectantly political/militaristic and stepping up to the soapbox once again. And even though you come to expect this maybe all the talking bits are getting a bit too tired and preachy. But as for the actual lyrics Dave comes up with some absolute beuts like "I'll dance on your grave even if you're buried at sea"! I mean, come on, that's good!

You also know there will be a LOT of solos and shred. And there is. And it's awesome. It fits in all rather well into the "formula" of the songs but like with most, they all sort of blend in to a blur after a while. Just check out "Burnt Ice" between 2:58 - 3:44 for over half a minute of the same shred.

Enough Dom! Stfu already!

Exactly what I was thinking :) If you made it this far then well done, you must be as bored as I was! The bottom line is this is a solid effort by 'deth and there are some diamonds in with the rest of the filler. But, don't expect this to be a return to form or a return to the early days. They haven't gone "St Anger" or "X factor" on us, thank god. But bring back Marty Friedman I saw ;) Pick it up, download it, borrow it and give the album a listen. You'll see what I mean! And if you don't see it the way I did let me know I thrive on musical discussions ^_^
United Abominations is an absolute killer. It reminds me a lot of Peace Sells and Rust In Peace. I haven't bought a Megadeth album since Countdown To Extinction as I didn't like their melodic rock approach of late...but UA is an album I'm definitely going to buy!

If you go to and type UNITED ABOMINATIONS in the search engine, you can listen to the full length tracks.
Aye Steve, I found out about the Astoria show, (16th June) only last week, and desperatly searched every website I could. The only luck I had was eBay.... Where two tickets just sold for £150.


If anyone has spare tickets or a friend lets them down I will bite your hand off for a ticket, at a reasonable price... I'm not selling my *other* kidney for a gig again!
Mwhahah I sold everything I own, snagged a ticket off eBay and am off to join the queue! If you're there come say hi, I'll probabily be bored out of my mind waiting, but at least I'll beat the poseurs!

(–noun, plural: A person who attempts to impress others by assuming or affecting a manner, degree of elegance, sentiment, etc., other than his or her true one.)