MEGADETH's DAVE MUSTAINE: 'I Never Thought I'd Be Doing This This Long'


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
Samuel J. Fell of New Zealand's recently conducted an interview with MEGADETH mainman Dave Mustaine. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below. On revisiting MEGADETH's classic 1992 LP, "Countdown To Extinction", for the recently released live version of the album, recorded last December at Los Angeles' Fox Theatre: "It was fun. "When you're listening to one of your records, and people have said something like, 'This is a classic' or something, you immediately, and I don't know how to say this without sounding like I'm having a hard time saying it, because I'm having a hard time saying it, but when people say stuff like that, a lot of times it's hard not to come off sounding like you know that. "But we knew when we were making 'Countdown', we just knew we were in the middle of making a good record." On MEGADETH's longevity: "Time flies, 30 years seems like a long time, but boy, it's over so quick. Sometimes I sit back and think how many things have happened over the years, and I guess the thing that makes me feel the best is when I see how many people who'll say, 'We met at a concert,' 'We got engaged at a concert,' 'We got pregnant at a concert,' all these things that they share. These landmarks, these mementoes, they're really cool. "I never thought I'd be doing this this long, [MEGADETH bassist] David Ellefson and I; it's crazy. And the fact we can have fun doing what we do, on top of that, just makes it so much more enjoyable."
