Megadeth's "Endgame" - entire album streaming today!

I personally love this record. Been a Megadeth fan since Peace Sells came out (which I purchased on cassette the day it was released! :lol:). The production is top notch - Andy did a great job getting that older Megadeth vibe back (at least to me, ymmv, etc, etc). I love the guitar tones, and think this entire project is excellent.

Great sound and production, no doubt about it. Congrats once again.

I'm a great fan of Megadeth but I do not consider this as one of the best albums. It's powerful, heavy as a brick and very dense, but I miss some catchy songs.... it is not too hooky
Anyway I have to listen to it more often to give a better opinion.
Great sound and production, no doubt about it. Congrats once again.

I'm a great fan of Megadeth but I do not consider this as one of the best albums. It's powerful, heavy as a brick and very dense, but I miss some catchy songs.... it is not too hooky
Anyway I have to listen to it more often to give a better opinion.

Don't let Mustaine see your "catchy songs" and "hooky" request... he may end up writing another RISK. :erk:
I'm really digging this vibe to get the bass mids and high end grit more into the forefront and have it feature as more of an instrument, rather than a subdued mix element. I've been doing it a lot more in my work and definitely enjoy the results - as do the bass players!

What was the bass rig for this one, Andy, if you don't mind sharing?

The record holds up to the horrid myspace compression, so you definitely did something right. I think it's a real shame that the first glimpse people get of a CD these days is a terribly encoded, massively lossy and lo-fi sounding 'snapshot' of what's actually going on. Sad times and all that.
odd for saying there's far more natural kit on the record than triggers.

I say the snare is the only thing thats a sample. The kicsk are much more "open" and roomy sounding then in other stuff you have done. The toms a pure perfection in my opinion.

As for the guitar tone its got that marshall "buzzyness" all over it. I think its all JVM possibly an ENGL or 2 on some of chris's solos.

As for the earlier comment on the 7-string, no way. I am sure dave was 100% against it on this. I dont hear anything that sounds like it could be a 7 String on what I have listened to so far.

So do tell Andy do tell!!!
odd for saying there's far more natural kit on the record than triggers.

That'll tell ya how good my ears are :lol:

I love the guitar tone. It's ironic given the seeming ubiquity of marshall amps that an actual marshall tone sounds so unique in the modern metal landscape.
believe me, it wasnt too short after spending 5 months on it lol.

Theres no 7 string on here, its just the inversions they are playing and the low string in the bass you are hearing. Gtrs are all marshall with Mustaine cab, which I think is great, I'm not just saying that , I really do think its a great sounding cab. The snare has a sample of the same snare just mixed in slightly underneath but shawn is a pretty consistent hitter..... when he's not taking time out to do his hair and showing Chris how to play fast.
So Andy, what was used on the bass rig? It sounds great! Never thought I'd hear Megadeth with distorted bass.