Megadeth's new release

Amard Butambul

Feb 14, 2002
Visit site
...head over the official site. It's a sorry excuse for a new release, half of the materials were from TWNAH, while the other half were live takes. Nothing interesting.

Theres a post by Dave, saying that this is not the last of Megadeth & he is healing & starts playing guitar again.

And yeah..the message board is up again & filled with fed up fans who can't rationalise the new release.

I'm out like Dave's voice.
I saw that thing a few weeks ago and I was like "What the Fuck?? Why would anyone buy this??" Even though I pretty much buy everything my favorite bands put out, I won't be buying this.
wow what a surprise: he announces that megadeth are splitting up and then a few months down the line he says that this is not the last of megadeth.
i saw this coming a mile off - how predictable!!!
the world does not need a hero, the world needs another 'rust in peace'...
Why would someone buy this? It's nothing but a screwed up label policy. Fuck them in the ass with a rusty razorblade.
It was released, in my understandinf to fufill a contract. If I see it used I'll get it just to keep my Deth collection compleat, I mean why not I have 3 copys of killing on disc...