Meiju Enho Leaves Ensiferum

Not a big deal. I used to be more of a fan of Wintersun than Ensiferum but you can only listen to 8 tracks for so long before you begin to get sick of them :erk:

Ensiferum's first two albums are golden and I'm glad to get the chance to see them at all, regardless of the members. I think the band will be around as long as Markus is in there to keep the spirit of original Ensiferum alive.

Well... i still listen to those 8 songs everyday and they never get old, but that's just me. Not even begun to get sick of them yet either :P

I really like Victory songs, but i like Norther a lot so that's probably no suprise.
It sucks but it's not the end of the world

but good they'll do another europe tour at the end of the year. I'll be there! :kickass::kickass:
Same here.. but it's pretty close. Thanks for posting this btw, or else I would of never checked their home site and seen that they're coming to Canada! :D
Maybe, never know. Im going to a wedding in Winnipeg on the 10th, the show is the 11th and I'm not sure if I am coming back my self on the 11th like I asked, or if my dad is going to "assume I wont want to wake up that early", and get my home ticket for the 12th.
on NEW ensiferum. old ensiferum is almost as good as wintersun :)

Is easily as good as Wintersun, if not better. Wintersun is good, but not stunning as alot of comments on this thread would make you believe. As far as the Meiju Enho thing, not really a problem, she hasnt played in some of the gigs, and when I went to see them in London in April, she wasnt present then either, so yeah, the news doesnt suprise me. I believe their session keyboardist which played in London will take over the role.