Mel Gibson

metalskater7 said:
DUI is only jail time for one night.

not always.... then you have a trial, and depends how bad it was you either go back to jail for short time, or assigned to go to AA for a year, or license being suspended or what not.... not that it matters when you're mel gibson...
I too do not see whats the big deal.... everyone hates the jews, Mel Gibson
just said it out loud.... hehehe

*licks her paws*
He has made alot of great films.

I'm amazed that Danny Glover hasn't chimed in, giving his opinion on his good friend Mel.

I could so go for a nice "He's getting to old for this shit" right about now. :lol:
DreamNeonBlack said:
He has made alot of great films.

I'm amazed that Danny Glover hasn't chimed in, giving his opinion on his good friend Mel.

I could so go for a nice "He's getting to old for this shit" right about now. :lol:

:kickass: Danny Glover is amazing. Not only did he put up with crazy Mel, he also slayed the Predator, and even adopted kids that saw Angels.
deathstrike from hell said:
i dont know. he's been in a lot of good movies

mad max
the patriot
what women want
lethal weapon 1

I think Mad Max 2 is his best film. Braveheart was entertaining but historically very inaccurate and besides Mel is a fucking horrible director. James Horner's music owns though.