Melbourne Show


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Well it was the last gig on Bodom's Australian tour, and shit man, was it brutal. I'm thinking I'll have the bruises to show for it for about a month.

Ran into Roope before the gig - was hoping to run into the other dudes afterwards, but didn't. Nonetheless, it was an energetic show, fitting for Bodom's first time in Aus, if I'm correct.
LMFAO @moonlapse and bobvex

Would it have been the copious amounts of alcohol and drugs that make the band look unsatisfied, or do they generally not like to come and hang with fans after the show. I stayed back after the last Aussie show, and while it took them long enough to come out, they did seem a bit........snobbish, for lack of a better word? Has anyone else noticed this? I mean, it also could have been due to having just played an hour and a half set...

At least i got to have a photo with them \m/

awww man,
The melbourne show was pretty fucking awsome, intence at times, i thought i was gunna die from pissing my pants with excitment and from getting thrashed around by shitloads of metalheads.
I have a very intesting story about the how i got into the gig, I must share with you all...
I wasnt gunna go cause im only 16 and i didnt have a fake ID, so i decided to go for a walk past the corner (venue where they played of course) just for a listen, and luckily i saw this guy Tom i know, who was like "hey!, are u goin to the bodom gig" I was like "no!, dammit!"
Turns out he was working there that night carrying the bands instruments in during the shows etc., and he had all access. so he's like "i could sneak you through the backdoor during band change" (pathogen - bodom), so obviously it all worked out, I got in, saw bodom rock it out, I scored a setlist and got it signed after the show by the band, oh shit an get this: i scruffed alexi hair, and scored a saulute from the man himself, they were sooo of there faces after the show, I dont think they seemed snobby, if anything they seemed really into the fans, for even coming out the back to greet us, they had a small chat to almost everyone who got stuff signed which was cool. anyway, it was a reeealllyyy good night.
I hope they come back To us Australians.

hrmm i dunnnooooo, i soo dont wanna sell it, i will one day if im poor though, which hopefully isnt soon...
here a pic of the beast:
Well I got back to Brisbane a couple of days ago and I must say the trip down south was worth it. Highlights of the night was when CoB played Children Of Bodom and Deadnight Warrior (although I would of liked to hear Lake Bodom instead). Only negative point was Alexi's guitar work seemed to be a little bit sloppy at times but other than that it was a good concert.