Melodeath supergroup


Bottled - really not the worst IF song ever.
May 4, 2011
OK, let's have some fun.

You are some fat ass, big record label manager and you have to gather melodeath supergroup. 5 members (2 guitar players, bassist, drummer and vocalist). Who would you choose? Also, give us a name for that band (using only IF song tittles).

PS No "smart" ideas like listing classic In Flames lineup. :)

PPS If you come up with some funny line ups, feel free to make this thread epic. Cocks and Beards style!
Vocals - Matt Heafy/Ville Valo (double act like Sonic Syndicate or 3 Inches of Blood)
Guitars - Jim Root & James Shaffer
Bass - ICS Vortex
Drums - Snowy Shaw

They'd be called "A Sense of Purpose" and release their debut album "Soundtrack To Your Escape 2" to great acclaim from Kerrang!


Seriously, though...

Vocals - Tomas Lindberg
Guitars - Jester Stromblad (non-soul-destroyed 1996/1997 version) & Niklas Sundin
Bass - Markus Großkopf
Drums - Casey Grillo
Keys - Martin Brändström

Band Name: Corrupted Paradise, first album 'The Venom of Perception' :cool:
That's serious? :D

Vocals: Joacim Cans (a.k.a. slaughtered chicken vox)
Lead guitar: Luca Turilli
Rhythm guitar: Max Cavalera
Bass: Duff McKagan ('80 ver, just for fun and booze)
Drums: Horgh (with corpsepaint)

Name: Bottled

Now really:

Vocals: Tomas Lindberg
Guitars: Jesper Stromblad and Michael Amott
Bass: Martin Mendez (actually I don't know how he fits this "evil" line-up, but can't think of other bass player)
Drums: Gene Hoglan

Can't think of a name for such a great line up. :D

Maybe... Jotun!
how about

Vokills: Gerard Way & Matthew Davies-Kreye
Guitars: Tom Kaulitz & Brian Deneeve
Bass/backing vocals: Brendon Urie
Drums: Andy Hurley

They'd be called "Like You Better Dead", with their debut album "Delight and Angers".
Damn it DE I had to google half of the names. :D

That line up would end up in group suicide instead in album recording.

Anders could write their lyrics. :D
I even created their album cover for them:



1. Don't Tell Me (Tell My Ghost)
2. Drown The Monster
3. Tonight I Won't Struggle
4. Angry As I Want To Be
5. Pen Down My Regrets
6. Draw My Bitterness
7. Forever Numb
8. Hear Me Scream
9. What If I Stop To Care?
10. A Fading Liar (Who Wakes Up Alone)
Wow, an artist! :D

It looks better then ASOP cover, you know...

Btw, better name for that band would be Enter Tragedy!

Oh, I'll change the rules. You have to name your band after an IF song.
Wow, an artist! :D

It looks better then ASOP cover, you know...

Btw, better name for that band would be Enter Tragedy!

Oh, I'll change the rules. You have to name your band after an IF song.

Oh, I can't change the band name now, especially when I've already planned their second album...



1. Cut Myself To Sleep
2. Lie and Set Me Free
3. I Feel Like Shit (But At Least I Feel Something)
4. Don't Want To Live In a Dream
5. Find The Exit Sign (And Disappear)
6. Judge Me Now
7. Everyone Has a Tragedy
8. I Don't Care What You Think
9. It Burns, It Rips, It Hurts
10. Bottled*

*In Flames cover.

Great album :D
Just saying, you need a really shitty drummer to complete your line up :D
But yeah, your knowledge of such musicians is indeed fishy :) Who knows what are you listening to at the moment for real :p
Just saying, you need a really shitty drummer to complete your line up :D
But yeah, your knowledge of such musicians is indeed fishy :) Who knows what are you listening to at the moment for real :p

I know... Its...


BVB! Kvlt!

BVB or? Oh, another fan... Insomnium my ass! :D


"Lie and set me free" sounds like new Britney Spears song. And lol for Bottled.

Thread is officially Anders approved. Ice cream rating: 5 stars!


Man stop it! You're making the guy who wrote those lines (thou shall not mention his name) look emo and gay-ish... And you know that badmouthing the members and the band (whose name shall not be mentioned) summons the one (whose name I shall not mention...but the rest of you can call him Krofius) who will inflict terrors on the unfaithful and entwine soil...ahem forum in chaos and despair.