Melodeth/death metal tunage (s2.0, podx3)

Good and clean? Sweet thanks! There is a bit of wieredness in the cymbals, surely from distorting them, and the whole drum bus too. Sounds kinda synthy I thinks! Anyone else hear that?
Guitar could be louder i think, drums are dominating the mix. the ride is way to quite at the beginning and later on the track .
kicks and snare sounds good , and the guitars are nice too , love your xt tone , it´s not to podish and works on the mix .
yeah sounds good the cymbals sound kinda distorted but I thought you did that on purpose.... :) listening to it again the hi-hat should be louder there is almost no hihat in the beginning of the song.... it should be more open as well I think...
ok, i'll wirk on them cymbals! the cymbals with a little dist get much fuller sounding, but it adds that wierdness. the ride is very quiet yes, i didnt really care for it though so i gotta work on that too. my ears always want the drums a bit loud, i love drums...
i updated the trak. :)

squished the bass a bit more and changed the comps on the ohs. also 'mastered' it a touch quieter for a bit more depth. gettin closer to the sound i'd like at least!