This song isn't really done yet. There aren't any vox yet, and the keys were done by me (the drummer), so they are not complete. But... what do you think about the rest?
Guitars are quadtracked Peavey JSX, with guitarhack impulses.
Drums are 2 behringer OH (lol) into a cheapy mixer, with triggers, into a dm5, and then sampled with drumagog.
Bass is DI with an Ampeg SVT impulse applied.
Keys are edirol orchestra.

How'd I do? This is my second mix
This song isn't really done yet. There aren't any vox yet, and the keys were done by me (the drummer), so they are not complete. But... what do you think about the rest?
Guitars are quadtracked Peavey JSX, with guitarhack impulses.
Drums are 2 behringer OH (lol) into a cheapy mixer, with triggers, into a dm5, and then sampled with drumagog.
Bass is DI with an Ampeg SVT impulse applied.
Keys are edirol orchestra.

How'd I do? This is my second mix