Melodic Death Metal (Need help)


Straf Drah Studio
Apr 25, 2012
Hey guys,

I've been trying to get this song done for almost a month and I'm out of ideas.

Guitar Chain:
Hellraiser C1> Quad Tracked> LePou 456> Guitar Hacks IRs

Bass Chain:
Squire Jazz Bass>Waves BassRider>PodFart sims

Superior Drummer with Metal Machine

I feel like I might have gone a little heavy on the 2bus but it sounds pretty poopy without it.

I'm going for a kind of Mors Principium Est kind of sound, and I'm NO WHERE near it.


Any advice would be killer. Thanks in advance!
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Guitars need some mids taken out. Very hollow sounding. Maybe add a gritty bass track.
I have the hallow problem with all my mixes. I'll try making some midrange cuts. By grit, do you mean like a distorted track? I have some distortion on the bass, not too much though. It's broken down into 3 groups, DI, sub bass, and amp/distortion.
Yeah try adding some more grit to it and maybe think about putting a light chorus on just the grit track. The drums could be brought up in relation to the guitars to, but that might just be the mids eating them up.
I did some mid cuts, lowered the mid on the amp, added more distortion on the bass grit track and raised the drums a few dB. It sounds like a step in the right direction to me, but I think my ears are shot >.<

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