Melodic Hardcore band I mixed - Of Glaciers (FFO Misery Signals, Deftones, Glassjaw)


Apr 24, 2009
Bath, UK
Hi guys,

Of Glaciers have posted up a single from their upcoming album "Heart Museum", which I mixed. It's not often I get to work on music I like as much as this, I feel like this band could be huge with the right team behind them!
The mix itself is pretty different from my usual, and I tried to keep the drums as natural as possible so there is really very little in the way of samples on the kit. The rest of the album is killer too, so definitely keep an eye out for it if you like this track:

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Killer! That intro sounds so clean and melodic and then it just hits so hard. Great job Nolly, I love those drums too. Care to tell us about the kick? It's very natural but very VERY punchy
Thanks guys, stoked with how well the mix seems to be going over.
There's a pretty wide range of sounds on the album, I'll admit this isn't exactly deftones-y but other tracks are very different :)
As far as the kick goes, the band tracked on a Sonor Rock kit with the 22" kick. Not sure what mic they used but it picked up a nice thud, albeit fairly muddy. I cleaned up the low mids but left some beef in there since the band didn't want it sounding too 'metal'. I used a transient designer and some samples to enhance the attack then squashed it pretty hard with compression. There's also a load of parallel compression on all the shells. Slate VCC across all tracks, with VTM on the drum, guitar and master busses is helping a lot too.
I use VCC across all tracks with the VCC mix bus plugin on the 2-bus. VCC I use on select busses only because the cumulative effect tends to get overwhelming if you put it everywhere.
punchy as fuuuuu, love it. great mix.... i'd love to hear more vibe in the drums and overall.... i.e. ambience or a 'space' for everything to live in.

only critique I have is the master is a litttle bloaty in the far as kick/gtr relationship. I'd do a more grindy bass BUT, that's all just MY tastes =D

the CLEAN thing works well but it'd just add to the intensity... love that kick. Punch cityyyyy

GJ dude, as always!
The compression is a bit heavy handed around the 3 minute mark .
It suits the heavy parts fine but a bit overbearing in the cleaner parts - kind of kills the contrast between the two sections!

Music ain't my thing but great job.