Melodic Hardcore/Metalcore - First Mix (Superior, X50)


New Metal Member
Feb 20, 2013
Hey guys,

wanted to share my very first serious mix with you.
Please give me some advice to make it better!

guitars: TSE 808 -> TSE X50 -> my own impulse
Drums: Superior Metal Foundry + Metal Machine

Unfortunately no vocals yet...still searching for a vocalist.

^first serious mix :p

Either way, very nice. Can't believe you got Superior to sound this good. Reminds me of Solace's (Karl Schubach) drums.

Would you be opposed to posting raws?
Thanks for your kind words :)

@tomrip its quad tracked and the ir is made from a Orange 4x12

@MisSigsFan Thanks took me some time to perfect my superior preset^^ and no sorry no raw at the time
I really liked this song so I threw some vocals on it lol I went for a Counterparts type approach.
This is my first time doing yells/screams so don't make fun of it x) I wanted to put more cleans in there but I had no idea it just ended up only being like 2 lines of cleans.
I didn't take very much time mixing it at all either =/ Just cut out a bit of 1k, 1.8k and a bit of 500 out of the main track to help the vocals sit a bit better and there's no pitch correction so it's all a little sloppy.
wow that sounds freakin awesome. Do you have rough tracks of your vocals which i could have a try mixing on?
Would me very nice!

Thanks again