melodic metal from Germany...Help needed


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
I've had the toughest time recording these guys...
they were really nice but it's been there first time in studio ever and they weren't very experienced either ;)
they didn't even have a bass-player, but i borrowed a sqiuer jazz-bass :puke: so the guitarists could play bass...
some other minor and major issues here and there during reording, but for what was given to me (musician-wise) recordings went quite well.

i've got a hard time here to do the mix, cause there's so much going on and not everything of it tight or/and in tune ;)

so I could definitely need some advice on the mix (don't need to tell me the song is boring or the vox suck etc though :erk: ).....

so any comments are appreciated

Here It Is

Thanks LSD

(it was a low-to-no-budget 1500 in total for the entire album (incl guitarsetup etc))
The guitar sound is really nice and full, I don't like the snare, I think that it's a little muddy, but this is my taste...the overal mix sound good to me, good work lsd.
Here are my humble obsevations:
- the intro lead is awfully dry, it doesn't express much emotion on its own, try to make it more dramatic
- the clean guitar that follows (and goes on throughout the song) it doesn't sounds as if the player was very convinced about his playing, maybe compress it? actually it sounds ok by the end of the song, maybe it's just the beginning...
- female voice sounds a little distant and dry, a wee reverb maybe? she's supposed to be a diva, right? Make her such
- the spoken male vocals are too drowned in the mix, make his words of sorrow shatter hearts
- the double tracked solo sounds just bad, not your fault though. remove one take and add craptacular fx to the other? I don't know!

I think you're too hard on yourself - this sounds good if you ask me (drums, guitars, synths), the guys don't sound like big studio virgins either.

Good job LSD! :kickass:
Here are my humble obsevations:
- the intro lead is awfully dry, it doesn't express much emotion on its own, try to make it more dramatic
- the clean guitar that follows (and goes on throughout the song) it doesn't sounds as if the player was very convinced about his playing, maybe compress it? actually it sounds ok by the end of the song, maybe it's just the beginning...
- female voice sounds a little distant and dry, a wee reverb maybe? she's supposed to be a diva, right? Make her such
- the spoken male vocals are too drowned in the mix, make his words of sorrow shatter hearts
- the double tracked solo sounds just bad, not your fault though. remove one take and add craptacular fx to the other? I don't know!

k, thanks alot.
done where possible ;)
same Link

damn, I'm almost about to retrack those leadguits myself without telling them ;)...
Nicely done!

I would turn up that snare just a wee bit though, and i fully agree with the beginning being to dry... how abouts a nice impulse concert hall reverb on that piano?

She has a great voice btw!
thanks dudes,
gits are engl powerball and marshall JMP2203 with LSD-Hotmod (i just cloned the soldano hotmod, cause i wasn't able to hunt one down on the bay).
marshall and engl seems to be an unusual match but they worked together quite nicely


..and no, i didn't try micing the head ;)

ESP eclipse into 808 modded TS---> Engl:

Gain: 10:00
Bass: 1:00
Mid open: 10:00
Treb: 1:45
vol: 1:00
pres: 10:20
depth: 11:20
master: 1:45

LTD viper into TS---> JMP:
pres: 1
mid: 2
treb: 7
master: 4
pre: 7

(numerical-numbers on scale)

TS (both):
drive: 9:00
tone: 10:00
lvl: 12:00

both into Engl v30 cab miced with 1 single sm57 on-axis, almost edge of dustcap (slightly more towards the center).
into SPL goldmike-->RME fireface.

no post eq qpplied 'cept 60hz HP and 12k LP
to me the drums sound like they are compressed a little to much. they sit way back in the mix and dont have too much stereo feel to them. The snare is weird, it sounds really flabby, maybe lay off the compression and eq it out. Overall everything else sounds nice to my ears except the drums. nice job

Sounds great - top notch production. Guitar sound could use a 5-6 dB cut around 450-550 Hz Q6-8 and a 4-5dB cut around 1K Q8-10 to make it a bit more aggressive and less "cardboardy"- still, it's just a matter of personal preference. :kickass:
Sounds great - top notch production. Guitar sound could use a 5-6 dB cut around 450-550 Hz Q6-8 and a 4-5dB cut around 1K Q8-10 to make it a bit more aggressive and less "cardboardy"- still, it's just a matter of personal preference. :kickass:

that was spot-on, thanks heaps, cured exactly what was bothering me!

thanks and DONE

greetz to denmark (living in Lübeck you're almost my neighbour ;) )