Melodic Metal w/ female vox + growls, all real (5150 + XXX)

Pekka Posio

Dec 28, 2010
Helsinki, Finland

I'm new guy here ('ve been lurking for 2,5 years now) and finally thought about asking people's opinions.

Are the levels ok? Does it sound fucked up? Overcompressed? Did I kill snare?

Some specs:
-Rhythm gtrs = Ibanez rg8670 -> 5150 II + XXX -> sm57, AT4050
-Lead gtrs = Ibanez rg8670 -> XXX + amp sims (mainly guitar rig)
-Acoustic gtrs = Ibanez Aw1500 -> SP C-1
-Bass = Ibanez 505 -> amp sims (mainly amplitube)
-All vocals = SP C-1

Most of the synths are from Yamaha s90 es, but there is also some stuff made with Pro Tools Vacuum. Djembes are samples, but tambourines and shakers are real.

There is also one faster and more Br00talZZ song from the ep
but I would mainly like to get any comments related on the first posted song.

I might ask the band if I'm allowed to post all invidual tracks. Many ppl have asked tracks with real instruments for mixing practice, so I could maybe help with that. Feel free to ask anything with signal chains etc, but the main thing is I want to know where I do wrong :Saint:


ps. if you are in the need of a melodic guitar solo, I could mby give it a shot w/ lazy schedule :grin:
At first I didn't like the mix, but I changed my mind a bit haha. The snare is "tubby" sounding, and definitely needs some more crack/snap, but you have a really good start. The vocals sound good, though they need a little de-essing in some sections.