sneak preview of my new band (Female Fronted!)- how's the song/mix?

Vocals are sounding much better now than on the first demo I commented on. Nice guitar leads, too! :)

Can you ask your singer if she'd be up for doing guest vocals on a song I might do in the future? It would be vocals in the direction of Marianne Faithful in Metallica's "The Memory Remains". And mostly 1 or 2 lines that I'd sample and then repeat.
thanks for the comment :) this is why i love the sneap forum, lots of experienced ears that are more than willing to put things into perspective after a long mixing day :) i totally agree, this is what the mix was lacking in the first version.

klar, werd sie fragen. bin ziemlich sicher dass sie gerne aushelfen wird ;) schreib mir am besten ne pn wenns soweit ist.