melodic Power/Thrash - some synths as well


Mojito Maniac
Apr 17, 2009
The Black Forest
Here`s my latest:

This was pretty hard, I`m still a newb and there`s tons of automation etc. so it took some time to get to this point. I even had to record the drums twice because 2 channels of the mixer were crapping out.
Real drums (kick replaced , snare replaced 50% ) ,Bass is Revalver II, Guitars are 30% miced (Sansamp PSA, 1960A) and 70% Revalver II. Leads are Juicy77, Clean guitars are Tribe IR.

Any thoughts ?
Thanks buddy,
I`m pretty happy with it. Maybe it can get better with proper mastering ? At the moment it`s just the mix made louder and a little highshelf EQ...