Melodic tech band I'm recording (Protest The Hero type-band)

what's up with the hihat? sounds somekinda strange, but maybe its just my headphones.. :)
Sounds pretty sick, loving the guitars and especially the drums.
Any info or processing details on those amazing toms??
Sounds cool but something is seriously fucked up with those overheads - the panning on the HH keeps changing. Entire mix is really weird and compressed and flat? no width/depth really. Guitars sound really small/buzzy, and hte leads are too loud/brash. Snare sounds really boxy and stuffled. Kick is pretty cool, playing all sounds tight at least.
Thanks for listening and commenting dudes! :)

The drums are just slate. Nothing at all special going on with them.

Toms are just the maple toms with a bit of reverb.

The overheads aren't great, all of the other songs on the E.P. were real overheads, but the drummer left just before we recorded this one so the guitarist programmed them. I don't quite hear what you mean about the HH changing panning? I've checked and there's no point at which the HH ever does actually change it's position in the stereo field. Maybe it's a different cymbal that sounds too much like a HH? Would you be able to tell me roughly where in the track this happens?

I definitely agree on the leads being way too loud. I turned everything down during the mixing, and forgot to correct some old automation on the lead group, so they were ridiculously loud!

I've added a little more crack/top end to the snare too.

I'll post up an updated version in a little bit.

Thank you again for listening guys!