Melodic Techcore??? Awesome band (My first sampled Kit)

Hey Chris,

For my money you've perhaps got a little too much 'body' in the kick on this. Sounds great on single hits, but on double kick stuff (particularly at the start) it overwhelms everything except the vocals a little bit. Great guitars, bass and vox, and the rest of the drums sound good too, although possibly just a bit larger than the other the elements. Don't blame you for wanting to show them off tho :)
Hey dude! Cheers for that, much appreciated. I kind of SEMI thought that, but looked over it, and I'm glad you said it. I'm going to go fix that up tomorrow when I wake up! :) I'm having with how everything sounds except the vocals, and pulling the drums down a touch will make a big difference! Thanks man :)
Good mix so far. The double kicks are pressing everything down too much in the master comp. Maybe the voice sticks out too much, taste.