Melodic thrash .. please check it out

Not bad. Sounds a bit busy at times in the songwriting. The production could pass for a demo or EP I guess, though obviously you'd want something nicer for an album.
Adding vocals will make all the differnence in the world. It could become the best melodic sound since In Flames, or make it sound like "another" melodic band. I hope you chose well.
Playing is really good and you have some nice ideas. Overall I agree with Nebulous that it is a bit busy at times. I would go easy on the drums a little more in the first 3/4 of the song. I also got the impression that the song seemed to be sped (speeded?) up. You would do good by reducing the tempo a little I think.

Soundwise I think the drums sound too machinelike and thin and could stand out a bit more. Guitartone is a bit lofi but I like it, gives it somewhat of the feel of those mid ninetees melodic death metal albums.
+1 on the busy song, but it has a LOT of potential. The guitars could use a little upper-mid bite. I also agree with mr. L in that the drums need some beefing up. Using some compression to thicken up the drums would be really cool. Compression on the bass to make the higher notes stick out more could definately benefit the song too.

Good job man, your on the right track
not totally finished... i want to at a bass drop at around 1:41 in the song .. can anyone help with that? tell me what you think , should i recruit band members?

feedback is greatly appreciated on both songwriting and recording

sounds pretty cool to me! dig the riffage. not sure how a bass drop would add much, but if that's your vision, cool.

recruit band members for...the recording of this song? a world tour and recording extravaganza? to get chicks? long and short of it is, if you have the time and money to be in a band....GOR FOR IT. because soon you likely won't have the time or (extra) money.