MelWeek Day 4: New music opportunities?

Mr Toast

Aug 1, 2002
I was browsing another board and saw mention of Mariah Carey doing Def Leppards "Bringin On The Heartbreak" on her new album. It was mentioned that this would still be as heavy as the original...

Anyways, I think it is time for Mariah to do a metal album. And who better to show Mariah the ropes than our very own Mel!


Well, this train of thought gave me a few other ideas on who Mel might want to do some thrash tunes with...


And who wouldn't want to jam with James Brown!!!


Hmmm, Jazz meets Metal... scream for me Diana!!!


Actually, if I remember right, Johnny Cash did do some hard rock tunes recently, didn't he?


Adds a new dimension to power metal rock opera, don't you think?!? Bring it home Pavarotti!!!

The Mr Toast Ministry of Disinformation is on Hiatus until Friday... thank goodness too! My last couple of threads have met rather cool receptions, so I need to rejuvenate I think... maybe while I'm installing the new window I'll think of something...
Mariah's cover should be good for a laugh. I guess she felt like she had to top Celine Dion covering AC/DC.

Next up, Whitney Houston covers Motorhead. :lol:
"Bringin' on the Heartbreak." Wow. And here I always thought Joe Elliott was hitting some insanely high notes with his vocal overdubs in the chorus. I can't possibly image what Mariah's half million octaves might sound like in it. Great song though, ain't it? Ah, those earlier days of "High 'n' Dry" and MTV back when it was truly worth watching.........
Originally posted by downure
Ah, those earlier days of "High 'n' Dry" and MTV back when it was truly worth watching.........

It was all downhill for Leppard after that, IMO. HnD was their best album. Mutt Lange ruined that band, and it looks like he just ruined his wife's career. The buzz on Shania's new album is pretty bad.

Down with over-production!
Originally posted by Melisan
It was all downhill for Leppard after that, IMO. HnD was their best album. Mutt Lange ruined that band...

I thought I was the only one who believed that. Most people seem to like Pyro. Mutt kinda "Bob Rocked" them. In other words took over the helm and made them bigger than ever while also draining them of all creativity. It bums me out when producers take over as song writers. I mean if you're a good enough band to get signed, then you should be good enough to write your own songs, right? "Hysteria" makes me nauseous. :ill:

Originally posted by Mr. Toast

And who wouldn't want to jam with James Brown!!!
The Godfather of Soul meets the Princess of Metal. Classic. :worship:
yeah, Pavarotti with Mel was my favourite as well. as for Def Leppard, i thought "Pyromania" was good. i think i listened to it in Jr. High, so it must've been good, right?!
Leppard is a fav of mine, but only the first two albums. Wasted, Rock Brigade, Let it go, High N Dry... ahhh, so soothing to my ears. When they came out with Pyromania..."Photograph" I knew they sold out and went commercial. Some songs aren't bad, like Die Hard the Hunter, but I would've preferred they stayed with the style of the first two albums. Hmmm... gonna have to dig those vinyl albums and play them on those ancient things called phono players.
Originally posted by Red Shirt
Leppard is a fav of mine, but only the first two albums...
Yeah I definately agree. I liked the first 2 records alot. The stuff after HnD got more and more watered down. :puke:"pour some sugar on me"
When I did that particular photochop (Mel w/Pav) I wanted a high energy feel. Mel's hair a flyin' just makes that so over the top!

BTW, day 6 will actually be posted after midnight here, so apologies for being late...

There is no day 5. I was exterminating a nest of hornets and other bugs at the time!