Krilons Resa
Jerry's married?!
I'd like to do what my grandparents have always suggested. The couple shares expenses based on how much they earn. If one earns more, they pay for more of the living expenses. Beyond that, they keep their own money and do what they like with it.
However, my wife and I work together. That has certainly caused its share of fights. Plus, in Japan it's tradition for a man to hand over his entire paycheck to his wife and then get a small allowance back (usually spend on alcohol, pachinko, and ridiculously young mistresses). This is because samurai thought that money was a dirty, dishonorable thing, not to be dealt with by men.
I've been trying to buck this trend but it gets increasing hard to be the lone soldier on this side of the culture war.
I need to up my Japanese skills so I can take over the business fully by myself and let her get another job elsewhere. Then we'll split our accounts and I can stop getting new ulcers every time I see her with her wallet in hand.
Underscore - good idea but sounds like a pain in the ass. gotta factor in grocery runs, target runs, etc...all them miniscule expenditures then divide it up based on a percentage of your income?
Bold -