Meow!!!...Don't be so catty!


New Metal Member
May 22, 2003
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Who's bagging on Evanescence?? What's not to like? Hey, they write there own lyrics and play there own music. Who in LA can say that anymore? Everybody who plays hard rock has quit and started some lame cover band cause they can't write songs. OK maybe KISS or Alice Cooper makes sense but now I see stuff like tribute to REO speedwagon or Metalica? Don't even look like the guys. And who wants to hear Rush anymore? Evanescence write cool ORIGINAL music and what hard rock band has made it on to the charts in the last 10 years? I'm not talking about STP by the way...Hard Rock! I've got the album It's really cool I''d think if you were a hard rock fan you support it. And if you play in one you REALLY outta. Meowwwwww....
Hey now, I listen to Rush all the time still, theyre one of the best bands of all time, true metal immortals! Eva-whatever will make their little splash for the time being, but Rush will still be playing on radios long after they are but a forgotten relic of the early 2000ish music scene. And good cover bands just carry on the legacy of great immortal bands like Rush, Metallica, and Iron Maiden. They arent supposed to "look exactly like" the band they cover knucklehead, its in the quality of the music played, and alot of cover bands do damn fine covers of already good material. Original material is good if thats what Im looking for, but if i want to hear a great band pound out familiar tunes, all the better!
Anchor up and blow me, Turbo. Not everyone here is going to have the same opinion of Evanescense (or however you spell their name) that you do. If you like it, fine. It's just a band and one that probably is going to end up being yet another "one hit wonder." Will they have the longevity of Kiss, Alice Cooper, Black Sabbath, The Beatles? Who's to say? We'll find out in 10 years if they're still playing theaters or arenas or local venues like Hogue Barmichael's like L.A. Guns does.

As Peter Steele once said, "All bands suck, some just get paid better."

Now, go away. Weren't you banned from this forum anyway? I know one of your posts was deleted. :Smug:
Tribute band means they pay tribute to the band that isn't around any more. Like Beatlemania was. Yeah they're supoosed to look and sound and act like the band. And play the same instuments too. You're supposed to feel like you're seeing the actual band. I saw Wildchild they were pretty good at doing the Doors. Bands just playing the songs are copy bands. Anyway Evanescence is not a cover band and you're right, nobody knows if they will be around next year much less 10 years from now. But that's what's exciting about being them. They could be. A copy band will never be. And what station is still playing Rush? KLOS? Yeah they're on top of it. So you banned me from this post? Cause you like Rush and I don't? That's rich. So ban me again I'll live. By the way...If you're not in the band and you don't work for the band...YOU DON"T F***KIN MATTER! -Vin Dog Out
VinDog said:
So you banned me from this post? Cause you like Rush and I don't? That's rich. So ban me again I'll live. By the way...If you're not in the band and you don't work for the band...YOU DON"T F***KIN MATTER! -Vin Dog Out


Obviously, you don't know how to read. I didn't ask if you were banned from this post, I said, "from this forum," Shitwit.

It was from an earlier post you had made (with the nickname of Vin Dog) and a rotten attitude to boot which makes me wonder if you are who I think you are and if you are that person, you're not coming into another show of the Maidens because I DO work for the band, got it?