Mercury Rain call time


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK

It's been seven years since we started Mercury Rain, and we've had a what we reckon is a good run. We're proud of what we've achieved, touring in Europe with Therion, playing Bloodstock 2003, the Belgian MFVF3 and all the other shows we've played, the videos we made, the albums we've released, and above all, the friends we've made along the way. Seven years is a long time out of anyone's life. Circumstances change, priorities change, and if you're not fired up any more, it's just not going to happen. You have to want to be in a band to get anywhere, and if you not into it 100%, there's no point. A band is about sacrificing all your time, a lot of money, dealing with disappointment as well as success, and investing your emotions in everything you do. You make friends, you lose friends, and you hope that at the end it was worth it. For us it definitely was. This is where we are right now, at a very low ebb. It is a sad day, and we are all feeling a bit lost, but deep down we know we are making the right decision, and it's time to switch off the light and close the door.
Thanks to everyone who made being in Mercury Rain such an amazing and unique experience.
Sonia, Dion, Roy, Claudio & Jon.
I'm sure you would all like to join me in wishing the MR guys all the best for the future. As you know we have played a few shows together over the past few years and some firm friendships have been built up which will undoubtedly last for a long time.

I for one will be keeping a close eye on what the guys do in the future!
I'd never gotten round to checking them out...guess it's all restrospective from here :(

Good luck to all the guys in future endeavours.