Mercury Rain


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
After the successful tour with Mercury Rain, MR main man Jon Hoare approached me about the possibility of me contributing keyboards to the new Mercury Rain opus. So I trawled up to Bristol yesterday to meet with Jon and to run through the practicalities of the whole thing. I'm happy to say that that I'm on board and looking forward to creating some great atmospheric metal with these guys!

More info below;act=ST;f=1;t=17
Well, that's awesome Steve! Mercury Rain kick ass, and with your keyboards included i'm sure they will kick even more ass :D

I must say that MR is fucking lucky to have such a great keyboardist on board. Anyway, It will be interesting to hear the result when the new MR album comes out next year :headbang:
Wow! So you are the mystery keyboardist Steve!! :D This is great news! I agree with WW...Lady luck has indeed smiled on MR! I look forward to their new album. I love Dark Waters so the new one, with you involvement, looks like being even better! Excellent!! :D
Cheers guys !

We're pleased as punch about Steve joining the MR team for the new CD. I think Steve and MR will work well together.

The new material is already coming together, and we've really listened to people's comments & feedback on DW, and although we're not going to change our formula or style, the new stuff is already a progression.

The new CD will hopefully come with a bonus DVD containing a promo for one of the new tracks, with an 'on location' video, and tour footage, including video we shot at Bloodstock...

Keep it metal !!

Excellent news, congratulations to you Steve. Before you know it ye'll be the most demanded musician of the entire metal genre...soon we'll get bands like slipknot trying to snap you up for their new album. You'll have to de-tune your keyboard to fit in with them though lol