Merry Christmas and a Happy Jew Year


Den Sista Ljusbäraren
Jul 20, 2004
I know it's a few months till christmas but today is the Jewish new year's to the few jewish people writing in this forum(you know who you are) who knew what Jhva Elohim Meth meant before Jonas and Anders...
have a happy 5767 lots of apples in honey and plenty of fish heads
and have a great metal year!

Shana Tova!
shana tova!
I said that so much today to all the customers in the cd shop I work at who bought a late present today
paradoxile said:
I know it's a few months till christmas but today is the Jewish new year's to the few jewish people writing in this forum(you know who you are) who knew what Jhva Elohim Meth meant before Jonas and Anders...
have a happy 5767 lots of apples in honey and plenty of fish heads
and have a great metal year!

Shana Tova!
happy new year:p
now, please tell me, what caused the jewish calender to start?
I mean, what religious event was there at the year 0?
salient said:
Наешься до отвала мацой в этот день!
это на пасхе!
paradoxile said:
это на пасхе!

способный к языкам..
Vincent J. said:
happy new year:p
now, please tell me, what caused the jewish calender to start?
I mean, what religious event was there at the year 0?

it's called the count from the "creation of the world"'s the same creation christians refer to as chrisitians believe in the jewish bible also know as the old testament.
the hebrew calendar is slightly different from the christian solar calendar which has 30-31 (except feb) days every month,every 4th year there's a february 29th to compensate so the months won't shift seasons and I think every 100 years there's another day added but I'm not sure.
the hebrew calendar is lunar and has 29-30 days in every month but a every 4 years there's a 13th month added to compensate...since some of our religious holidays are agricutlural(like first harvest) and are celebrated each year at the same date having a compensation in neccessary.
I don't know much about the muslim calendar but I know it has no compansation days and their specail holidays(like the month of ramadan fast) shift seasons every year.

now that we learned a bit about calendars...I'm going to have the new years dinner with my parents.
paradoxile said:
it's called the count from the "creation of the world"'s the same creation christians refer to as chrisitians believe in the jewish bible also know as the old testament.
the hebrew calendar is slightly different from the christian solar calendar which has 30-31 (except feb) days every month,every 4th year there's a february 29th to compensate so the months won't shift seasons and I think every 100 years there's another day added but I'm not sure.
the hebrew calendar is lunar and has 29-30 days in every month but a every 4 years there's a 13th month added to compensate...since some of our religious holidays are agricutlural(like first harvest) and are celebrated each year at the same date having a compensation in neccessary.
I don't know much about the muslim calendar but I know it has no compansation days and their specail holidays(like the month of ramadan fast) shift seasons every year.

now that we learned a bit about calendars...I'm going to have the new years dinner with my parents.
:p hehe, thanks
Bon appetit!
dark_Exile said:
способный к языкам..
рожденный в СССР:p

it's my third native tounge