Happy Hebrew New Year


Den Sista Ljusbäraren
Jul 20, 2004
Have a great 5767 everyone...may your year be sweeter than honey and louder than the average metal show.

this is going to all my orphaned brothers and sisters
and to the band members and their families
Shana Tova people!
Shana Tova.
Throughout the holiday, I have to walk 30 minutes to go to the synagogue. I feel bad to take the subway on Rosh Hashana, a time when I'm supposed to be repenting for all, and I mean a daily shitload, of sins. I mean, there are some closer ones, but that is the closest Sephardic one. There's supposed to be a lot of girls like my age there though, so I have my fingers crossed for that.:)
Shana Tova! Man my birthday is the week after next on Israel's most holy holiday so no partying :( haha. Rosh Hashanah 1st of Oct.