Merry Christmas to everyone!


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
I know there's still a week to go until Christmas Eve, but I figured that some of you may be heading home from Uni for Xmas or going away etc so I thought I'd get in early...haha!

On behalf of myself, Steve S, Andrea, Alessio and Francesco I'd like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and an awesome New Year! Thanks for your amazing support again over the past 12 guys really are the best! It was cool to catch up with some of you again in November and hopefully we'll catch up again in the first half of 2006!:rock:

Merry Questmas! :worship:
Yeah, Merry Christmas to PowerQuest and all you screennames who've been taking up space on my monitor for the past three years :p (good lord, has it really been that long?!)

I know that a copy of Magic Never Dies will be waiting for me in the stocking next week, it's sure to be a good 'un! :rock:
Ayeka said:
Yeah, Merry Christmas to PowerQuest and all you screennames who've been taking up space on my monitor for the past three years :p (good lord, has it really been that long?!)

I know that a copy of Magic Never Dies will be waiting for me in the stocking next week, it's sure to be a good 'un! :rock:
I know a copy of Neverworld is going to be under the tree, I saw my mom wrapping it.... I think Magic Never Dies was unavailable at CM when I was shopping, wahhh... So... I think Temple of Fire KICKED ASS, I'm hoping the rest of the CD will as well! :)
I've been kitted out all the way from Boxing Day - New Years with just tomorrow as a break :loco: never mind, should give the student loan a bit of recuperation time...