Merry Christmas


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
I know it's still a whopping 7 days until Christmas day but I guess people will be going away for the holidays or returning home from university, college etc and may not have web access for a week or I thought I'd stick this post up slightly earlier than planned.:)

Me and the guys just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays etc Thanks to you all for the support you have given the band over the course of 2002 and especially since the forum has been active and the album has been out. :worship:

I've got 13 days off work which is great news...I hope to get a lot of work done on the new PQ material and also to have a few days doing absolutely nothing!
And a Merry Christmas to you too! I think it's also time to dust off the Trans Siberian Orchestra CD's....

I'm grateful to have the Power Quest CD for the holidays too - it was touch and go for a while! I'll be drinking a toast to your health (and new songs) to the tunes of Wings of Forever. :)

Happy Holidays to all!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years to y'all! Now, let's all go get fucking slaughtered! :D
:) Well damn, Steve beat me to it, but oh well, Merry Christmas everyone, I hope all of us have a good Metal year in 2003, and a great Holiday Season. I agree Jay Keely, time to bring out the Trans Siberian Orchestra cds. Christmas music never sounded so good. Or powerful and kick ass!!!!!!:headbang: :tickled:

Damn, I was going to try and beat Steve in starting this thread but he's quick off the mark.

Merry Christmas and a Metal New Year to all of you who have supported us through this important year. We appreciate it!

Here's are the songs I'll be listening to during my Christmas Dinner:

Black Christmas - Venom (from Calm Before the Storm)

Christmas with the Devil - Spinal Tap (from Break like the Wind)

Enjoy the holiday season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:devil:
Well that's it...13 days off work starting today! All the work parties and things out of the way. Kinda strange this year as it also coincided with a mate leaving work after 11 years. It's going to be weird going back in 2003 and Jo not being there, although I'm sure we'll still hang out and stuff.

Right....that Trans Siberian Orchestra video CD has arrived "The Ghosts of Christmas eve" so it's time to check that out
Well some plans.
Some good old fashoined loving with my lady, spending time with my kids, spending time with my family, going to brother's on Christmas Day, jamming out to your wonderful album, and a few other metal cds.
Should be a good Holiday. What are your plans?
Originally posted by Symphony
Well that's it...13 days off work starting today! All the work parties and things out of the way. Kinda strange this year as it also coincided with a mate leaving work after 11 years. It's going to be weird going back in 2003 and Jo not being there, although I'm sure we'll still hang out and stuff.

Lucky for some..I have to stack shelves for 6/7 hours on Christmas Eve :mad: poo!
Just hanging at home Athallus. Nothing particular lined'll just be the two of us at home. gonna try and take things easy for a week or so! that's a bummer although my girlfriend has to work until 4pm on the 24th