Mesa Boogie Factory Tour


Anssi Tenhunen
I'm not sure if this was posted earlier or not, but here it is anyways:

Workshop & Design Room

Circuit Board Assembly

Building Boogie Cabs

Assembly & "Hammer Test"

Tolex Process & Final QC

Custom Woods & Vinyl

edit: oops, had the videos in wrong order

They have also other very cool behind the scenes stuff at website on the "Inside the factory":
^if you watch the videos of the building of the amps, most of them are Mexican, looking freshly over the boarder, so does it really matter on what soil it was made on, if it was made by Mexicans is is made by Mexicans.

only joking, maybe!
lol I've been there, I know how it goes. I was just pointing out the irony in people all high strung about buying American only. I'm sure those peeps at Mesa get paid way better though.

And BTW, that bin of blue electrolytic capacitors in that one video is probably worth about $20,000.... Those Sprauge atoms are between $10-$20, even at bulk cost.
Yeah, no shit! You are a stones throw away from the border in Petaluma...

Petaluma is over 500 miles away from the Mexican border, dude. :lol:

Bah, all those states might as well just be in Mexico anymore. I lived in AZ for 14 years, might as well been in Mexico. It's a stones throw compared to where I am now! :D

Petaluma is an hour or so north of San Fransisco, (Northern California) which is a good 7 hours away from the boarder and and hour and a half from where I live, all the Mexicans around here generally were born in the area and the only time you see even a remotely illegal is when you see a yard care business mowing lawn. To say you mught as well call is all Mexico, you might as well call three hours up north (Oregon) Mexico as well :goggly:
I take it none of you live in petaluma or have ever been or worked at mesa. hah

90% of all the workers there are Korean and most are all related. There are two or three families that work there that are all Korean. The funny part is all the white dudes that did work there got taken off of the assembly line due to lack of giving a shit about building an amp.

Plus, those 25-30 Koreans that work there and the 3-4 Mexican dudes make up 60% of the minority group in petaluma. Its the exact opposite of the Bay Area.

Not that it really matters any way. The amps still rule, and the owners still a fucking dick. ha ha