Mesa Boogie Rect-O-Verb 50watt (series 1)


Dec 9, 2007
I got a Mesa Boogie Rectoverb 50watt, and it's great! I really love it!

But... I'll also need something more portable than this beast of a combo, for rehearsal purposes. Can anyone recommend anything in a similar vein to the rectoverb/mesa style sound, but that's light and portable and sounds good.

Budget is ... hmm... $1400 perhaps, it needs to be available in the UK though.
Cabinet included?

How about a used Mesa Boogie Recoverb head and 2x12 cab? :p

Seriously tho, I'd say give Line 6 stuff a try. Perhaps a used Vetta thru a good 2x12 might get you similar and good-sounding results.
Sorry.. no, I want just a head, will use the cab at the rehearsal place. It needs to be light light light! I was thinking Orange Tiny Terror perhaps.

No offence.. but balls to Line 6 ;)
Looks okay, but you have to buy the module seperately. The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of a Tiny Terror.