Mesa: Mark IV vs Mark V

Clark Kent

Jan 23, 2011
So I've decided I want one of these amps. I've played both... I've actually owned three Mark IVs before. In some way I think the lead channel on the IV is maybe a bit better while the Mark V doesn't sound as brutal as the Mark IV but is a bit tighter.

Anyways here's the dilemma. I can get a IV used for 1500€ and a V used for 2000€. I do love the Mark IV cleans also but the second channel on the Mark IV is useless to me. The Mark V however has a better clean and crunch channel.

Mark IV is my current amp, I love it. Played the V heaps and wanted it but there's no rack mountable version. Honestly though, you'll be fine with either, just get the V. The extra tonal options are nice :)

Not as brutal as the IV?? extreme mode on the V is the Mark IV, channel 3 with Presence knob pushed in. I can get them like 99% the same :)
I had Mark IV Version A (early version with brighter sound and less gain comparing to later amps) in the past, and yes, it's second channel absolutely stupid :D. First of all, what kind of guitar sounds do you prefer? Mark V sounds more modern for example. If you need all that sounds of Mark V and it's other advanced options, you should get it. If not - Mark IV is a great choice anyway
Mark IV owner here. Never tried the V. Love the IV pretty much over a Recto any day.

Second channel unusable?!?! Does not compute!!

I like the second channel. I guess I could see it being more suitable for rock type tones, but dime the gain on Ch 2 and throw a TS in front and Ch 2 can basically be a main Rhy channel.
Yeah.. I'm sure I won't regret getting the V. Only 500€ to get one... so I'm leaning towards the V. Thanks guys! You guys were very helpful!
the 2nd channel on the iv is useful for slightly overdriven rock stuff including bluesy srv-esque playing with a boost in front such as a ts or something of the like.

the lead channel of the mark iv is my fav channel of any amp ever. pure bliss.
ok im going to be honest and say i havent tried the IV.

But i know the sounds that can be achieved with the IV because of recordings. And i love those sounds. The IV is defintely a great amp but im sure you wont regret the V its amazing. So much that i bought 2 :s i just love it..

Go ahead and thank us later
I have a Mark IVA, and a IVB. I remember desperately wanting the V when it came out, but after playing one quite extensively in a shop, came to the conclusion that it offers nothing (for me) that I didn't already have available. I hadn't considered the Mark V since, the IV is probably my all time favourite amp.
Yup, I also tested the Mark V when I still owned my Mark IV that I traded for an Axe-Fx. (biggest regret of my life) Anyways... I thought the Mark V didn't have the same kind of gain character as the Mark IV. It was tighter though. The Mark IV has an amazing clean sound. I just happen to play in some non-metal bands and I'm sure the Mark I mode would get quite some use in my hands.
Yup, I also tested the Mark V when I still owned my Mark IV that I traded for an Axe-Fx. (biggest regret of my life) Anyways... I thought the Mark V didn't have the same kind of gain character as the Mark IV. It was tighter though. The Mark IV has an amazing clean sound. I just happen to play in some non-metal bands and I'm sure the Mark I mode would get quite some use in my hands.

Oh definitely, it was tighter. However, I felt if there was ever an amp that didn't need to be tighter, it was the Mark IV. The extra tightness was somewhat of a negative for me. I couldn't get quite the sound I love from my IV.

I am by no means a connoisseur of Mark I type sounds, but I could quite happily use the rhy 2 channel for that kind of stuff, or my triaxis. And if I had an Axe-FX, probably that as well. But prefferably, Rhy 2 Mark IV, which I find very useable, especially with a boost. We may of course, be talking about a completely different type of tone though!