Mesa Mark owners


Nov 22, 2007
Poconos, PA
I know at least one of you guys rocks a Mark IV.

I have a question:

Last I used mine, it was pretty noisy. Like, crackly white noise/static on the Lead Channel. I swapped out all the tubes and the noise was still there.

So, I ended up putting the set of good tubes into the 5150 and set the Mesa aside and havent used it since.

Maybe I need it serviced? Tube sockets maybe dirty?

the 5150 is naturally sorta noisy on the Lead channel but the Mark IV was always super quiet. and the 5150 doesnt make the noise with the same tubes in it. Maybe the Mark is just pickier about the tubes it takes?

Anyone? I'd rather not have to ship this guy out because the short head is like 45 lbs if I remember correct.
Ummm... I have a Mark IV. First of all, it's always good to use contact cleaner to clean your tube sockets and inputs etc. essentially give it a good clean. While the mark IV is a very quiet amp, i wouldn't say it's noiseless. I still got some white noise too. I killed that with an ISP Decimator in the loop :)

You mention crackly too though? That's not something I'd attribute to a good working order amp. Again, clean all the tube sockets, even the fx loop etc, give everything a good clean, see how you go. That fixed my issue when I had something similar anyway :)