Mesa Roadster 2x12 - Where do get?


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

I've been keen to try out this cab ever since Ola has been championing how well it records. Catch is that Mesa gear is stupidly priced over here. I think the going rate for this cab is $1,300 AUD new.

I'm looking for a US dealer with reasonable prices which also ships overseas. Anyone got some starters?

eBay used to be littered with these things, but now nothing...

If you're going to do that ermz buy a zilla fatboy, nolly will testify EXACT. Same tonality!
Isn't the Roadster 2x12 identical to the Stiletto 2x12 with the exception of the colour of the piping?

If so, that should open up some options to you.
Ah, I'm not really sure how any of this helps. If you guys re-read it, it's a bit like asking where it's cheapest to buy Apples, and then having everyone tell you how great Oranges are, and no mention where to buy either :lol:

PM'd Greg.
I know Ola gets awesome tones out of his roadster, no matter what amp he's playing. I've also heard some cool tones from 2x12 rectos,
never heard a stiletto 2x12 though, but I'm saving money to buy either of those, just not sure yet which one.

Some quotes about mesa 2x12 cabs from random users at the boogie board:

"roadster is tuned to compliment all the channels... meaning it does justice to the lonestar circuit in channel 1...
being more airy and chimey than a regular recto 2x12 and still be able to handle the bottom end of the classic recto tone"

"The Roadster has a deeper bass response while the Stiletto is more midcentric and not as deep sounding, but perfect and well mated for the Stiletto line of amps."

"The difference between the stiletto 2x12 and the recto 2x12 is the recto will have better bass, the stiletto will be more mid range,
but trust me the recto 2x12 has plenty, more then a traditional recto cab"

"the roadster cab seems voiced to compliment both the cleans of channels 1 and 2 and the high gain of channels 3 and 4 on the roadster.
the recto cab has a much bigger feel to it and i feel the 2x12 recto cab sounds somewhat stuffy. the roadster cab has a much more open feel.
i've also tried the stiletto cab and while the roadster and stiletto share the same dimensions i found they sounded different.
the stiletto was much tighter and focused while the roadster while still tight, was more open."

"The recto cab is woofier, looser, the roadster cab is tighter, maybe a little brighter?"

"In my humble opinion, my best description was that the Rectifier cab "breathed" more. It seemed more open, less compressed--esp in the mid/low ranges.
The Roadster was tighter, with great clean tones, but to my ears, when the gain and volume were pushed it seemed that
the Rectifier cab had greater clarity and openness with both single note passages and even full chords."

I'd love to hear some good quality audio comparisons of those cabs played with a high-gain amp.

Maybe someone could lend Ola a recto or a stiletto to make some comparisons?

EDIT: Sorry, my post didn't help Ermz at all, but Thomann sells them abit cheaper, not sure how much for the shipping though..
Roadster 2x12 cabs are pretty cheap here (920$ new) comparing to most of EU countries. I wish if I could have a room to put this beast in. :(