Meshuggah v. Dillinger Escape Plan


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dillinger. what ive heard of meshuggah i found to be pretty boring chugga chugga yeller metal. i havent heard much of their stuff though.
spaffe said:
Both are too clinical and clamorous for my taste, there's no emotion or sense of the epic :D

I forgot who had it in their signature, but he had it right when he said: Time changes are for bands who have run out of ideas.
I really dont see why people call DEP pretentious. There really just regular guys who work their asses off. Its not like they consider themselves to be these elite psuedo-art metal pioneers or anything. Just because you dont enjoy or understand the music dosent make it pretentious.
J. said:

I forgot who had it in their signature, but he had it right when he said: Time changes are for bands who have run out of ideas.
That's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Meshuggah and DEP are two of the most important bands in the last 10 years. They both have numerous clones now . . . which is the direct result of INNOVATION. Innovation is what happens when new ideas are put to use.

Anybody that only hears time changes when they listen to either band just doesn't want to exert himself enough to really comprehend what is going on. Or . . . maybe they just don't care to try to enjoy this type of music.
I'll freely admit to finding Meshuggah to be mechanical most of the time (though I can hardly call them one-dimensional due to the effortless usage of insane time signatures...), but I chose them anyway, probably because I find them to be more coherent than DEP and because they arrived at the ubertechnical style first...
Nate The Great said:
That's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Meshuggah and DEP are two of the most important bands in the last 10 years. They both have numerous clones now . . . which is the direct result of INNOVATION. Innovation is what happens when new ideas are put to use.

Anybody that only hears time changes when they listen to either band just doesn't want to exert himself enough to really comprehend what is going on. Or . . . maybe they just don't care to try to enjoy this type of music.
I'm no guitar player or instrumentalist, so for me to hear time changes and all that other hubbaloo that people cum over takes a lot more time and patience.

But I gave both these bands plenty of time, and neither hit me as anything special. Botch owns DEP in every which way possible. DEP just struck me as being one of those "innovative-for-innovative's-sake" bands. Meshuggah just bored the pants off me. Like neal said, too much chugga-chugga with generic vocals.

While I'm sure they do their thing well, and I'm sure metal needs bands like these, they just do nothing more me. Too clinical, with no emotion.

Sometimes just playing good music is more important than trying to be innovative. And just because a band is innovative does not automatically qualify them as being good.
When i say that DEP are pretentious, i am not talking about themselves.. (obviously) but about their music. Its all that J said. They dont have great IDEAS, they just are confusing and complex just for the shake of it. And i cant understand the hype about them since other bands had been more technical and with a lot more serious musical depth and a real essence.
I hear a lot of emotion in both bands, I don't find either clinical at all.

Crazy time signatures are fun, always have been. I remember playing the clarinet when I was 10 years old and the first time I came across something like a 7/4 time signature thought "HOLY SHIT THIS RULES!!!"
I rather commit suicide than listen to either. Messhugah is borderline bearable. DEP is probably one of the worst bands I have ever heard in my life. I rather hear the cacophonous sounds of a cat getting caught on a car manifold with the engine reved, than hear DEP. Actually both sounds, sound quite similiar. :tickled:
J. said:
I'm no guitar player or instrumentalist, so for me to hear time changes and all that other hubbaloo that people cum over takes a lot more time and patience.

But I gave both these bands plenty of time, and neither hit me as anything special. Botch owns DEP in every which way possible. DEP just struck me as being one of those "innovative-for-innovative's-sake" bands. Meshuggah just bored the pants off me. Like neal said, too much chugga-chugga with generic vocals.

While I'm sure they do their thing well, and I'm sure metal needs bands like these, they just do nothing more me. Too clinical, with no emotion.

Sometimes just playing good music is more important than trying to be innovative. And just because a band is innovative does not automatically qualify them as being good.
I can understand that you don't like this style of music, but both bands are really gaining a huge underground following. Both bands ARE referred to as "musician's musicians" sometimes. Its a fact that the drummer for Meshuggah is not from Earth.
Does it really matter how good a group of musicians are, if they don't create good music? (I'm not trying to pigeon hold these two bands with this question. I'm asking it in a broad sense)

What would you prefer? Less talented musicians creating good music, or great musicians playing jibberish? I'd take the aforementioned.
I'm in the camp of wanting good music over good musicians, but being a musician for many years I definitely appreciate talent. Okay take Mahavishnu Orchestra and Rush. I don't like either group really, in fact listening for more than 15 minutes or so can be taxing on my being. BUT I give both groups a lot of respect because they are incredibly talented.

Groups like DEP and Meshuggah fall under both, not only do they make excellent music, but they are incredibly talented at the same time. Win win.
I hear emotion in both bands as well, especially the new Dillinger. I think some people may be judging DEP soley on a few songs of earlier stuff or maybe just calculating infinity. They have evolved alot since then then and it shows on Miss Machine. When I listen to Meshuggah (who I have gotten more into again over the past 6 months) I hear cold, hatred. Especially songs like New Millenium Cyanide Christ and Future Breed Machines.
Atlas Shrugged said:
What would you prefer? Less talented musicians creating good music, or great musicians playing jibberish? I'd take the aforementioned.
Give me good music, no contest. Good musicians can create beautiful music, no doubt, but they can also create some of the most awful trite known to man. For proof, look no further than Dream Theater.

On the other side of the coin, average to bad musicians can create some of the most stellar and influential music with sheer will and vision. Simply look at Bathory.

As far as both DEP and Meshuggah gaining a huge underground following, I really don't care. DEP has been a fairly traded name for quite some time, ever since Calculating Infinity came out back in the late 90's. No one really gave a shit about Meshuggah (except for the real underground) until Jack Osbourne played their CD during The Osbournes, and then everyone started jumping on their nuts talking about that dude's 6447239-string guitar with triple downtuned wahs-wahs.
J. is of course calling into question what makes a good musician, because I would consider Quorthon to have been an extremely talented musician, even if his chops weren't legendary.

JayKeeley, you like Isis. That leads to the potential of liking Dillinger Escape Plan, and someday, a CD-R bearing the name Miss Machine may grace your presence, arriving at your destination via The Slow Mule From California. Some call him.. . .. . . ... . Tim?