Meta(l) data

funny indeed. a category for imaginary extinct animals? :zombie: and there's actually a band named "leaky stigmata" ? lol! and "Mexican Santa"??? WTF?

To those out there who understand some German, i can add one band to the "double umlaut" category. Rumor has it that there once was a German metal band called "Lötkölben" alluding to the actually existing band "Schweißer".

but there are also some mistakes, i think. "manowar" is a real animal??? i read somewhere that "manowar" is a certain type of ship. and is there really a (metal) band named "death by chocolate"? to me, "death by chocolate" is an album of the German electronica band de-phazz. (a pretty good album btw.)
I like that they didn't put Death under the Death category. Also Darkthrone and Dark Tranquillity were misspelled. Generally funny tho
It's a huge jellyfish.

Ok, both is true. Have a look at Wikipedia: Man-of-war is a type of war ship and four types of animals (fish, "jellyfish", bird, horse). But I still think that Manowar chose the name because of the war ship meaning. Then again, look at this explanation of the man-of-war "jellyfish":

In fact, a Portuguese Man O' War is not a single animal, but rather a siphonophore – a colony of four kinds of minute, highly modified individuals, which are specialized polyps and medusoids[1]. Each such zooid in these pelagic colonial hydroids or hydrozoans has a high degree of specialization and, although structurally similar to other solitary animals, are all attached to each other and physiologically integrated rather than living independently. Such zooids are specialised to such an extent that they lack the structures associated with other functions and are therefore dependent for survival on the others to do what the particular zooid cannot do.


The Portuguese Man O' War is infamous for its very painful, powerful sting.

Hm. Now, I'm nearly convinced that the jellyfish theory is true. o_O