Metal 2019

How was Runemagick's last album? I haven't given it a go yet. They just released it a few months ago and they're already having another one coming out soon? Prolific bastards.
It's my top album of 2018 and honestly I think it's one of their strongest. On par with the likes of Enter the Realm of Death and Invocation of Magick. Massive, massive sounding album. Not sure if they're just doing a one off track or have a whole new album in the works but any new music from the Rudolfsson camp is welcome. They were prolific as hell during their original run not to mention consistent so I'd be more than happy if they got back on that track again.
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Opprobrium sounds good, hopefully a good sign for the album release
March 8

Going to shamelessly plug my friends band here because it's worth keeping an eye out for if you're into the more melodic side of stuff. Don't know what genre you'd throw this one in but it's got some elements of melodic, thrash, and traditional metal mixed in. Incredibly talented guys who are definitely going places.


Here's a single.

Just what nobody wanted!
March 22
35 remastered tracks hand selected by Dave himself!

The record company is sick of waiting for the follow up to Dystopia too.
There is no mistaking that it's DT, not anything overly new but then they probably don't really need too.