Metal album reviews...


Metal Obsessive Webmaster
Feb 10, 2002
Banbury, UK
Fancy reading some Metal reviews? Well myself and a few chums have recently opened our own reviews site, the amount of reviews online is a little low at the moment, but we do include a review of 'Last fair deal...', and we are growing every day. The address is…

So please come give 'Metal Obsessive' a look, we're very proud of the reviews we've written, and would love to share them with others :).
Hi again ;) :grin:

Ooh ooh ooh, nice thurough review but:

Katatonia - 'Last Fair Deal Gone Down' - By M. Freeman
‘Once again Jonas Renkse takes the helm of the vocal duties with another progressive album from the Swedish black metal kings. It is most definitely one of the best produced and all round excellent albums from 2001.


IMO Katatonia aren't progressive, and most definitely aren't BM. But hey, its all subjective :grin:
Thankyou all for your comments, very much appreciated :).

Another thing.. I mean, the site's a great start, but I definitely can't hear the orchestral beginning of "Dispossession"... But I'll just quit complaining, now.

I'm sorry for my stupidity, but what exactly do you mean?

I'm a bit of a dumbass :dopey: :grin:
Now that is a greaaat smiley!

Lol, I know!

Well, the review said that "Dispossession" has an "orchestral beginning"... Sounds like clean electric guitars with a few effects on them to me though.

Ohh, sorry, was a little slow on the uptake at first.

Lol, well I haven't actually heard the CD myself, that review was written by one of my staff, don't blame me :grin:! Maybe he meant that it begins with a very orchestral type of really good music? Not too sure though, you do have a point, I guess my reviewer was a little confused when writing the review :).
Chedsey's lack of focus on metal and the way the site is in general is what encouraged me to start:

SonicDeath Reviews

Which I started last year and has progressed fairly slow but I like the way it has gone along, we've got some big names some obscure names and a whole load from in between. We also have writers that have an extensive knowledge of metal in all shapes and forms and it's quite a nice resource in my opinion, but just needs more depth.