Metal Band in QUÉBEC


Professor McKnowledge
Jan 12, 2002
Québec !
Visit site
I need to find musicians or bands from Québec that wants to play metal. Anyfuckingthing whether it is atmospheric, melodic or pure death metal. I play guitar and I can tear my throat off if you want me to growl. I'd bleed to death to play metal.

Post your replies here, or email

I do not think that this is spam. What is the best place to ask such question? Where many peoples can read your message, but are however not obligated to. Damn why did you read a post called "Metal Band in Québec" if you don't live in Québec.


Ca faut avouer que tu as raison... messemble que quand un post t'interesse pas tu prends pas le temps de répondre pour le dire... entk! merci du support ;)

Originally posted by DeadWinterDead
You could have checked out all the other names of the forums when you first enter Ultimate Metal... But you didn't do that.

Yes I did my friend, and I posted this message in many boards.

@rune_fairy... I guess you only read this board?

@Gaun... Well, I am not "back" I am just passing by, I guess I might get some time soon ;)

-phyros ( signing out for this time )
You guys must be fucking bored to take time to answer spam thread. I'd rather spend time on interesting thread. YOu might have a little bit too much time in your hands.

@RuneFairy - Faut avouer que yen a qui sont caves en osti. Ils doivent avoir du temps à pardre pour répondre à ce message là s'ils sont pas pantoute interessés.


To Final Vision, here's the translation: "I've got to admit that they are really fucking idiots. They must have a lot of spare time to lose if they post answers to thread that they are not interested into."
Originally posted by Samarkol
To Final Vision, here's the translation: "I've got to admit that they are really fucking idiots. They must have a lot of spare time to lose if they post answers to thread that they are not interested into."

Well, there IS a difference between being an idiot and having too much spare time. I use this forum mostly to relax at work.

But talking about "SPAM" is more interesting that a Metal Band in Quebec. :)