Metal Band in QUÉBEC


Professor McKnowledge
Jan 12, 2002
Québec !
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I need to find musicians or bands from Québec that wants to play metal. Anyfuckingthing whether it is atmospheric, melodic or pure death metal. I play guitar and I can tear my throat off if you want me to growl. I'd bleed to death to play metal.

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yah yah smell like poo!

They're alright! Arie's aren't the greatest, but take some getting used to. Bart's death stuff is actually pretty good. In Mute Requiem, there's actually a couple words done in death growl th at are absolutely AMAZING!! just the intense death growl bark that he gets on it is just awesome!
The answer to your question is negotiable from person to person.
Quebec has lots of death metal, and while i'm not thebiggest fan, there is some death metal i like.
i'm sure a deathmetal head would say there are lots of good bands from quebec in their underground scene due to the death metal.
There's a death metal scene in Québec, but it is mainly pure death metal, almost grind. Almost not any melodic metal. And I would like to join the bands you named, but fuck it would be like you joining In Flames or Opeth ;) They are pros, I am not.
