Metal Band in QUÉBEC

I admit, it is more interesting.

Seing three gay having sex is also a lot more beautiful than seeing five gay having sex. See the little correlation? No?

That means that fuck, even if it is more interesting, you must be fucking bored to discuss about whether a thread is spam or not.

Originally posted by Final_Vision
wow your good, I am bored. When do I win the lottery??

Well if you're bored, there's plenty of interesting things to do!

I could suggest you to see the light of the day if you eyes can still suport it! Running around and having fun outside! Sit down in a corner of your house, play guitar, piano, drums, anything, write down lyrics, book, novels, you can paint, draw, FUCK you can do a lot of things funnier and more contructive.

I wonder why you don't do such things.
