metal camp 08

Kdo jih pa ne bi? Sam brezveze tuki pisat, ker ne odgovarjajo. :erk:

WHo wouldn't want to? But its pointless to post here cause they wont answer you. :erk:

ja kam pa npiššeš d ti?

Then where do you write so they dO?

nikamor, use turneje pa to so na uradni strani

Nowhere, all the tour dates are on the official site

fak,...ja ben ...le kej si mislijo kjr jezik middva piševaXD

fuck, wonder what languages they think we're speakingXD

ma sej coo ne na w.o.a. so že potrjeni tko d,...lhko je šansa d pridejo...

CoB is confirmed for W.O.A so maybe theres a chance that they come

drgač upam d čimprej pidejo :erk: eh, nej si mislejo kr hočjo :P

I hope they come ASAP :erk: eh, let them think what the want :P

aja? no supr pol xD

Oh, well great


For the dude who wanted a translation:p

J'ai de gros doute sur cette dernière affirmation là moi.

ϣύϒ ! ώύϓϠ ϩϵϰϫ...

قةإث ؃أكؑرؤِ ٪ژښکڤگ ڟڍ
