Metal Camp 2006 kicks butt!!! Anyone going?


Croatian Panzer division
Apr 9, 2004
Split, Croatia, Europe
It's gonna be one hell of a festival, let me tell you that!!!

Just check these bands out:
and some others (check

And that's not all - STIMULANS will be playing at Metal Camp as well! :D
Not at the Main Stage of course, but at Talent Forum Stage, but it's gonna be a great experience for my band nonetheless!

If any of you UMOS freaks decides to drag his/her ass to MC this year, don't you dare leaving the premises without saying 'hi' and taking picture with me! :tickled:
Seriously, it will be a great chance for a (at least partial) UMOS meeting...

So - who's coming? :cool:
The bill looks very interesting.

But the info is sparse. Why did you not tell us the festival is in Slovenia? I had to find that out by planning a route to the festival. Nor could I find any info about the location of the festival on the homepage you link us to.

And what is the date of the festival? No usefull info on that damn homepage except a list of bands that will be playing :erk:

That being said; I would love to come. :wave:
Sorry Hawk, I figured they would have all that info on their page... :oops:
I think it's something you would expect normally...

Anyway, Metal Camp is held near the town of Tolmin, Slovenia.
The town is located somewhere in the western part of Slovenia, X marks the spot: ;)

Nevermind that thick winding line, it just marks the way from my hometown to Tolmin. :)

It will be held on dates of 21st, 22nd and 23rd of July 2006. and each day will have its own headlining band. For now, the two confirmed headliners are Dimmu Borgir and Saxon, don't know about the third one.

I hope that's enough data for starters, if you'd want to know anything else not mentioned on Metal Camp's site ask, maybe I could find out.
And MC forum is in fact the place where you can find out the most recent info about the bands etc. cause it comes straight from Stefan and Uwe of "Rock the Nations" agency which handles the booking for MC.
SickBoy said:
Sorry Hawk, I figured they would have all that info on their page... :oops:
I think it's something you would expect normally...

Its ok buddy its not your fault. I just expected a more proffessional attitude from the people that organize this festival.

SickBoy said:
Anyway, Metal Camp is held near the town of Tolmin, Slovenia.
The town is located somewhere in the western part of Slovenia, X marks the spot: ;)

Nevermind that thick winding line, it just marks the way from my hometown to Tolmin. :)

Thanks for the trouble!

SickBoy said:
It will be held on dates of 21st, 22nd and 24rd of July 2006. and each day will have its own headlining band. For now, the two confirmed headliners are Dimmu Borgir and Saxon, don't know about the third one.

I hope that's enough data for starters, if you'd want to know anything else not mentioned on Metal Camp's site ask, maybe I could find out.
And MC forum is in fact the place where you can find out the most recent info about the bands etc. cause it comes straight from Stefan and Uwe of "Rock the Nations" agency which handles the booking for MC.

It looks like a cool festival. And I would love to go. I'll be seriously considering it. :wave:

Thanks again for the info buddy! :)
For me will be basically Testament, Saxon and Stimulans but it can as well be on Mars. USA is all my budget can allowed me this day and age :(